UPDATE: EVERY Blog Article I Have Ever Written and Illustrated About Stereo Equipment and Speakers Galore!

December 14, 2018

Gentle reader, 

Below is a list of EVERY article that I have written about stereo equipment from multiple decades and the adventures I have had upgrading and experimenting with different components, cables and more.

Below in one of the many iterations my stereo has gone through. This was one of the "too many components" versions of several years ago. Can you identify any of the pieces? If you are viewing any of my blogs on a PC, clicking on a picture will open a window in front of this page. There all the photos will be viewable larger and one can tab or click through them.
The list below flows from oldest at the beginning to the most recent at the bottom. 

Here is the list: 
Details on the remarkable PROTON D540 Integrated amp's huge 530 watt power output.
Scored a PROTON 1100 stereo preamplifier at last!
32 Year-Old Klipsch KG4 speakers found for $9.99!

TINY Vintage AIWA Stereo Components: SA-C22U, SA-P22U, ST-R22U & SD-L22U

Vintage and LARGE Mitsubishi Dual-Mono stereo compents: DA-A15DC, DA-P20, DA-F10 & DA-M10  

The Transformation from Den to Audio Man Cave. In many crazy steps! 

Found: Heaven on Earth! HiFi Heaven that is. Vintage Stereo Equipment Galore! 

Earthquake Proof your speakers! Amazing "Reusable Adhesive" will hold my Klipsch KG4 speakers firm! 

Reliving the 1976 sound of Dynaco PAT-5 preamplifier and SWTPC power amplifier! 

PART TWO: Reliving the 1976 sound of Dynaco PAT-5 preamplifier and SWTPC power amplifier!  

PART THREE: Reliving the 1976 sound of Dynaco PAT-5 preamplifier and SWTPC power amplifier!  

Size, does it matter when talking about home speaker cables?

Learn More About Your Music, Your Stereo & Speaker Building. To Make The Best Of Your Listening Experience 

FINAL CHAPTER: Reliving the 1976 sound of Dynaco PAT-5 preamplifier and SWTPC power amplifier!   

What can one do with a single speaker? Why not make a monophonic system! Mono? Sure Mono LP records!

PART TWO: What can one do with a single speaker? Why not make a monophonic system! Mono? Sure, Mono LP records! 

Trying the minimalist route: PROTON AI-3000 II All-in-one Stereo Reciever and NOTHING ELSE! 

Complete Redo of the Stereo System! What, again? Yes, again! 

Compete Redo Phase Two Stereo Components: Divide and Conquer! 

The Death of a Subwoofer. Cause of Death Remains a Mystery! 

Vintage PROTON AI-3000 Stereo System All-in-One Take Two! Er, Three! 

50-year-old Thrift Store Speaker Plays On in a New Form! 

Quadraphonic Adventures: 1990's Dynaco QD-2 Passive Surround Sound Device Tested.  

How does one determine if their stereo sounds good? Test Records! 

Restomoding a pair of Vintage Advent Baby Advent II Speakers 

Dynaco PAT-6 at LAST! Panor-Era Dynaco Equipment Verses PROTON. Same Company!

Dynaco Given a Second Life. Pan Orient Company: Panor for Short. A Photographic History PART ONE.  

Dynaco: Panor for Short. History PART TWO Plus ODD Dynaco Speakers. 

Dynaco: Second Life in 1990's New Speakers Evidence and Photos Found.  

PROTON Audio, NAD and Dynaco are Cousins. Inventor of Dynamic Power on Demand Amplifiers.

Stereo Amplifier or H-T Receiver Running Hot? Here's a Simple Solution.  

Forty-Plus-Year Adventures with Vintage Dynaco Stereo Equipment and More! PART ONE.

Forty-Plus-Year Adventures with Vintage Dynaco Stereo Equipment and More! PART TWO.  

Forty-Plus-Year Adventures with Vintage Dynaco Stereo Equipment and More! PART THREE.  

Forty-Plus-Year Adventures with Vintage Dynaco Stereo Equipment and More! PART FOUR 

Final Chapter. Forty-Plus-Year Adventures with Vintage Dynaco Stereo Equipment and More! 

Stereo Amplifier or H-T Receiver Running Hot? Here's a Simple Solution.  

Minimus 7W Restomod Speaker's Sound and RCA Interconnects and A Look Into Where All The Magic Happens.

Stereo and Surround Sound Receivers, I Have Known Many of Them. 
When Choosing Audio Equipment, Remember Your Goal. Sometimes Simpler is Better.

Who Knew Fisher Made a 100 WPC Integrated Amp, Tuner and Cassette Deck Combo? 

Audio Interconnect Cables, Does Size Really Matter? 

Renovating a Classic Fisher Studio Standard RS-1035 Stereo Receiver and Updating. 

One Simple Change to the Stereo System Makes the Klipsch Speakers Sing! 

Wooden Speaker Stands and Risers too Expensive? Try Bamboo Stools. How-To Guide. 

Replacing Analog 2.1 Amplifier with Digital TPA3116 Class D 2.1 Amplifier in a Gaming Chair and a Subwoofer!

Build-it-yourself: Stereo Speaker Volume Controller. Great for Testing Two Pairs of Speakers. 

Legendary Optimus Pro LX4 Speakers. Trying New Twisted Pair Speaker Cables. And More. 

PART ONE: Forty Plus Years Buying and Trying Home Stereo Speakers. Dynaco Spendor B&W 

PART TWO: Forty Plus Years Buying and Trying Home Stereo Speakers. Dynaco Spendor B&W 

PART THREE: Forty Plus Years Buying and Trying Home Stereo Speakers. Dynaco Spendor B&W 

PART FOUR: Forty Plus Years Buying and Trying Home Stereo Speakers. Dynaco Spendor B&W 

Stereo VU Meters dB Meters Audio Power Meters Watt Meters See Your Music! 

How To Use a Stereo Audio Power Meter on More Than One Pair of Speakers. 

I Found Some New-Old-Stock Forty-Year-Old Utah Speakers. Unbelievable! 

Improving Ultra-Rare Legend LE414 Speaker Control Selector Switch Assembly 

Quadraphonic Music The 1970's Fad or Viable Music? Dynaco Dynaquad QD-1 QD-2 

Complete Re-Do Of The Listening Room Dynaco Klipsch 

Review of Ghent Audio Canare L-4E6S Star Quad RCA Audio Interconnect Cables 

Wrangling 15 Foot Cables. Completion of the Listening Room Complete Re-Do. Audio Nirvana! 

FM Radio, A Thing of The Past? Choosing and Installing External FM Antennas. 
I was browsing through photos of my stereo set up prior to doing this posting and could not believe how MANY amplifiers, receivers, speakers, turntables, equalizers, accessories and yes, different kinds/brands of speaker and interconnect cables I have tried. No wonder my wife doesn't even think about trying to play some music!

Thanks for looking!


Updated: 12-24-2018

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