Audi TT Video

A video made by my boss.

While driving home last week, I spied one of my immediate supervisors coming up to my right on I-95 southbound.

To my surprise, he was "filming" me with his video camera as he passed me. He then slowed down to do so again as I passed him. Then he tucked in behind me.

He's quite talented with Photoshop and I suspected he had a "plan" for the digital "footage".

The next day he called me into the office where many others were already assembled and pointed to the recently installed big screen TV and asked,
"Are you ready for this?" Then a video started of a blue Audi TT which I recognized as not mine. Flashy images and music and then I and mine appeared. It lasted exactly a minute. I thought it was pretty cool, yet commented, "Marty has too much time on his hands." He handed me a thumb drive and said, "Here you go." I thanked him and brought it home. I don't know who's car the other one is, but at least it's blue too.

Rather than e-mail it to you, I invited you via e-mail to come here and view it. Which if you are reading this, you accepted. For this I thank you.

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