Extensive Photographic and Camera Collecting Library Chapter Four.

December 23, 2017

Gentle reader,

This chapter deals with books about camera equipment including all the ancillary items. These are things that can aid and improve the photographic endeavor and experience.

Here are the previous chapters:
As the title implies, this book focuses upon 35mm cameras and equipment. By Michael Busselle, from Amphoto. It came out originally in 1976, this edition is from 1992. More than 500 photos. It is more than just equipment. Techniques are gone into in depth.
In editing these photographs, I discovered that I had two copies of this book and another as well.. By John Holtz, from 1980 this is the 80th printing. It covers 35mm and larger formats. Plus darkroom equipment and much more.

The book below is by Adrian Holloway, a Brit. From 1981, also published in the U.S. More than 2000 illustrations and photographs. It goes into great detail.

Above and below are two of  the number of Peteresn's Photographic Library series that I own. Above is #5 and is by Kalton C. Lahue, a famous name in photography.  From 1981, it is quite extensive and has photographs showing the effects of many of the devices.

Number 6 in the series and also from 1981 but by Mike Stensvold. The cover photo reminds me of Colonel Bill Arps camera collection most of which was house in glass cabinets with glass shelves. But I digress. Chock full of items and gadgets from the time and prior.
Michael J. Langford produced the excellent book below. With a wonderful, larger-than-life photo of a classic Nikon SLR. A bit larger than if Nikon had done as Pentax did; up-size a 35mm SLR into Medium Format. From 1980 and Ziff-Davis the magazine conglomerate. A thick and heavy book that is crammed with mostly all-color photographs and illustrations. Make one want to go on eBay and find so many things they covered. 

Robb Smith is no kin of mine. There is one semi-famous Robb Scott, out there, but his name is opposite of mine. Anyway, this book and the one below are as titled about accessories. Colonel Bill Arps had WAY more accessories than he did cameras (more than 4000 of those!) an example would be a drawer almost four feet wide, three feet front-to-back and a few inches deep FILLED with shoe-mount rangefinders. Anyway, I digress again. This book is also from Ziff-Davis and also 1980. A popular year for these books. Very complete guide by a former managing editor of Amphoto.
Lastly, from Bruce H. Mitton, published in 1981. He goes into great detail and covers a lot of items. Even showed some economical ideas for the budget photographer. Very good book. Another one that prompts one to get onto eBay to find these goodies.
That's it for this chapter, thanks for looking!
December, 23, 2017 

Extensive Photographic and Camera Collecting Library Chapter Three.

December 20, 2017

Gentle reader,

NOTICE: Since a number of fellow classic camera collectors have expressed interest in some of the same books, I feel the only fair way to make them available will be to post them for sale via eBay. I will post links to my "Items for sale" eBay page on the FaceBook page. This will allow those interested to bid or buy those which interest them. I will OF COURSE combine shipping for multiple purchases and ship via USPS Media Mail. I will wait until AFTER December 25th to start the auctions. This way all the holiday shipping will be over with.

Here are links to the previous chapters:

This chapter will deal with books about collecting old cameras and other collecting books including price guides and vintage camera catalogs. The latter are a font of information as they have list prices at the time these cameras were new as well as showing various lenses and accessories that one may have had no prior knowledge of.
These Sears catalogs are in exceptionally nice condition. It is a wonder they survived at all, let alone so well, since some are more than 60 years old. They are annual catalogs from when Sears & Roebuck sold SO many items. 1956, 1957, 1958, 1960-61, 1961-62, 1980-81, and 1982-83, You will feast your eyes at what one could buy from Sears! Just remember the prices were current in those years.
I do not remember Modern Photography magazine. At some point in time, I came across this (and the newer one that follows) most interesting Annual from that magazine. I can't BELIEVE how much incredible information is packed into these magazine specials!
Now, we get into camera collecting books. And do I have PLENTY of them!
Orion Research Corporation made price guide/history books for the Insurance and Pawn Shop industries. They are not complete, but cover the vast majority of cameras, lenses and accessories. If they continued with a web site, I suspect they have a LOT more information. I have one for Audio (Stereo, etc.) equipment as well. Another of my passions.
McBroom's picks up where McKeown's leaves off: With newer equipment. Both are essential for a camera USER as well as collector. 
Above and below are my only copies of McKeown's price guides. At the time of purchase, they were the most expensive books that I had bought. In each, I have highlighted every camera that I have owned as well as writing-in ones that are not listed. Jim McKeown bought a Sears camera from me via eBay and it's photo and information is in the one below.

Jean Loup Princelle is one of those rare individuals that compiles incredible amounts of information on something, then writes and illustrates incredible books about them. His (above) is MUCH more complete (and professional) than the one below. Both are very interesting, however. 
I always meant to research and find other issues of the fine publication below. Probably just as well that I did not. I have too many books now. Odd that they could not find a better example of the Leica CL as the one on the cover is missing the glass from the front of the rangefinder windows. Written in Italy and translated and sold in other countries. This one, is #1 from February 1997. I think I would have hesitated to spend $10.00 on a magazine back then. Excellent articles on FED, Zorki, Contax to Kiev, Rectaflex, 35mm cameras PRIOR to the Leica, a review of Christie's auctions, Leitz Compur Summicron flash synchronization and finally colorful Leicas. Amazing. I SHOULD have looked for more! 

Above, a book I bought just as soon as it was printed. Having owned a number of Spiratone products, and reading the pre-publication review, I knew I just HAD to have a copy. Second only to the George Eastman House collection, the Spira Collection is AMAZING!

Below, is a book from Colonel Bill Arps collection. The Evolution of the Japanese Camera. From the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House. 

Below is the first of many books I have SPECIFIC to collecting, buying, selling and using vintage and classic film cameras. From 2004 and by David Williamson, it is a big, heavy and fact & photo filled wonder. A great book. I hesitate to pass it on.
Next a softcover book by David Neil Arndt. It is from 2000 and as the title implies it is a very good guide for newbie or experienced collector. Amherst Media is well known for publishing photography guides and books. 
Below, from Schiffer Books and by Scott Faragher, is another similar book. It is from 2002 and is full of wonderful clear color photos of not necessarily mainstream cameras. Really well put together book.
By none other than Ivor Matanle, this is a fantastic book by a world renowned photographer and collector. From 1986, and interestingly it was published in Malta.
Below, from 1976 and by Brit Cyril Permutt, this hardbound book is extensive, informative and very interesting. Mr. Permutt is well versed in the subject and this is a great book for any collector/user. I have repaired that tear on the dust jacket as well as two on the back.
Below, also from Amherst Media, this guide is from 2002 and by Michael Levy. It focuses more on actually putting the old cameras to work at what they were made for. History and photo filled as well.
Next, below, we have by George Gilbert, from 1997, a follow up to his three-volume book on Photographic Advertising. Dealing with cameras as well as other photo related items.

These two books are divided by World War II. First printed in 1981, these pocket-sized books are a great primer for the collector. A Brit, Robert White is a long time collector and photographer.

Lastly and the most wee book of this group, was written by a real-honest-to-goodness, Prince! First published in 1993 in Italy. This English language edition is from 1997. High quality, heavyweight thick paper throughout, each pair of pages features one or two cameras with brief information in Italian and English. Wonderful clear photographs of each camera.
That does it for this chapter. Thanks for taking the time to look at my humble blog.


December 20, 2017

Extensive Photographic and Camera Collecting Library Chapter Two.

December 18, 2017

Gentle reader,

Thank you for your enthusiastic response to Chapter One of this series. It truly warms my heart that such a varied and august group is at all interested in what I have to say. 

The first chapter may be found here:
Extensive Photographic and Camera Collecting Library Chapter One  

A word on the size of the images. I use a desktop PC with a 23" wide monitor. I set the shortest side of my images at 1008 pixels which equates to 14 inches @ 72ppi. If read on a PC or laptop, the images will usually be much larger than the book or object is in reality. IF one clicks on any image, an new window opens atop the old and one can either click-through or use the left/right arrow keys to view the photos. On that page the images are smaller and do not require a large monitor to view. On a device, I guess one swipes and squeezes or expands the photos. I do not use devices, so am not sure. The one exception is the first image which is sized to be the same width as the text.

Before I continue the series, a little how-to. One of my FaceBook fellow classic camera collectors and users, queried the group about quality auxiliary wide angle lenses. The kind that screw on the front filter threads. I'd suggested to him to look for one from the Olympus IS series of cameras. 
Because the room between the bookshelf and the desk upon which I am typing is only a few feet, I needed a wider lens than I have for my Nikon DSLR. So, I followed my own suggestion and used this lens made for the Olympus IS3DLX: 
Here again, below, is the photo which was still so wide a subject, so that I had to shoot downwards from behind the desk to get it all. The lens is a Nikon 18-55mm. With the cropping factor of 1.5X that 18mm equates to 27mm in 35mm size. Adding this 0.8X lens which reproduces about 21.6mm in 35mm film size. Note the 52mm-55mm step-up ring which separates this lens a few millimeters away from the Nikon's front element.
Note that it bows the top of the shelf outwards. That is partially due to my downward angle and partly due to wide angle lenses. I have a photo of all of my family taken with a 28mm lens to get us all in. Smaller kids are on a couch in front of adults with wooden arms which of course are parallel to each other. Yet in the photo, the arms are spread wide.
Note also that the books at the edges are a little blurry compared to the rest. This too is due to edge distortion properties of less expensive wide angle lenses. This Olympus B-28 lens cost $185 new in 1997, so it wasn't cheap, but it wasn't expensive either.  The IS-3DLX was the pinnacle of the IS Series. It retailed for $1,000 in 1996. A lot of money then and now.
The lens was designed specifically for the IS-3DLX lens' 35mm end. My Nikon lens, basically the "kit" lens, is not expensive either. It is equal to a 27mm lens, not a 35mm lens. Now you may argue multiplication or in this case, division(?) is still math. I don't know. BUT, it is an inexpensive way to get probably the best front-mount Auxiliary wide angle and telephoto lenses. There is a lot of crappy aux lenses out there. Go for a known brand.

Due to no flash being used, these images are far from sharp due to slow shutter speed.
All these images, except for the whole shelf, were made with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 digital camera which has a Leica Summicron lens. A superb lens in any book. Due to the amount of light I was using, the flash was not deemed needed by the camera for all these shots above and throughout the entire series of chapters.


Since this is for a camera collecting group of readers, I'll start with CAMERAS:
This first group is part of a series from HP Books, most written by Carl Shipman. The one above is from 1981.
This one could also be under the How-to category. From 1977 and number 5 in a series of how many?
Since my first 35mm camera that I purchased at age 39 was an Olympus OM-10, naturally, I wanted all the information I could get on the subject. This one is from 1979.
The first Nikon camera I bought was a Nikomat (non-USA name for Nikkormat) EL-W. All black it was, the "W" stands for Winder which the chrome models could not adapt to. 1978.
Nikon SLR cameras with none of the budget models. From 1982, forth edition. 
Douglas St. Denny is a British man that divides his time between Hong Kong and the UK. I never met him, but we e-mailed back in the day. He was an expert on Chinese cameras and wrote this definitive guide on them. He later started a web site called camprice.com. He was developing this site as the go-to place to find out what cameras were worth up to the minute. He tasked me with 110 cameras since I had so many at the time. I do not know if the site still exists. As you can see, he autographed it to Colonel Bill Arps, my camera collector-mentor and dear friend. Undated copyright.

As a result of losing World War II, Germany was stripped of many of it's patents and copyrights. One of which was the camera industry. Soviets took all the Zeiss equipment and most of the people to Ukraine where factories were set up to make the same cameras and sell them as KIEV models. Canon and many other companies started making copies and/or improvements on Leica cameras. Russians were blatantly copying Leica cameras and lenses prior to WWII and continued afterwards sticking to the M39 screw mount lens format. A great many FED, Zorki and other cameras were produced of varying quality.
This guide by Peter Dechert (sound's German) covers those cameras and includes those made prior to WWII which were similar to Leicas but not copies.. Copyrighted 1985, this one is from 2001. 
From the publishers of McKewon's camera price guides, this tome by John R. Baird in an exhaustive look at Kuribayashi-Petri cameras. Of which I had quite a few. 1991.
Nikon rangefinder cameras were created by copying Zeiss Contax pre-war 35mm rangefinder cameras. Although the lens mounts are the same, I am told there are differences that prevent German lenses from working correctly on these Japanese gems. By Robert Rotoloni and copyrighted 1981, this one is from 1993.
Speaking of Zeiss pre-war cameras, this guide by D.B. Tubbs from 1977, this being a 1980 edition, covers up to the beginning of Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939.
I prefer to have the dust jacket on the books I buy, but this one is missing. THE CONTAX WAY by H. Freytag and is from 1953. Hand drawn illustrations of the cameras in general with black and white and full color images made with Contax cameras. A lot of information and charts.
A two-part book which is divided by WWII. Almost no photographs. None of cameras. A historical treatise edited by Peninah R. Petruck. Both 1979. 

From 1978 with barely disguised Nikon and Leica SLRs one the cover as well as medium and large format camera. By Hubert C. Birnbaum and from 1978. A good overall guide to film photography with various formats covered.
Once considered a hard-to-find book, Joseph A. Bailey, Glass, Brass, & Chrome is one of many camera books by Kalton C. Lahue and from 1972. A good book on the history of cameras.
What might be called a coffee-table book, albeit on the small side,  this edition from Kodaks' George Eastman House was written by Eaton S. Lothrop, Jr. Another camera expert author. Copyrighted 1973, this revised edition is from 1982. An interesting selection of cameras from the museum. Tucked inside is a price guide showing their value in 1982. 
A pair of tiny books from Focal Press. These are pocket sized books one carries with them while shooting. The Contax Guide which of course relates to Kiev Models too is the 5th American edition from 1950.
Below, the book is larger than the camera it covers. My brother sent me a Rollei 35 which is a German-made model, out of the blue. He'd heard I started collecting cameras. Several family members and friends gave me cameras. This is a First Edition from 1969. 
That's all I have for you today. I hope you continue to enjoy the series. I'm enjoying making it and remember, if you are interested in purchasing any of these books, send me an e-mail or private-message me through FaceBook.

Thanks for looking, I really appreciate it.


December 18, 2017  

Review of Marantz MM7025, their Last Two Channel Power Amplifier.

  February 19, 2025 #507 Gentle reader, Bear with me, this is turning into a longer than usual article. A lot to unpack here. Please keep re...