It Turns Out That There ARE Surround Sound HDCD Recordings!

May 7, 2022


Gentle reader,

While I am known as being someone who is NOT interested in the "latest and greatest" of anything, I have be an early adopter of some things, such as HD Radio. I bought a component HD Radio tuner, one for both cars and a battery powered portable radio too.

While it does not say so on this "liner notes" sheet from this Silva Screen Records, Ltd. recording, on the spine and elsewhere it does.

Note the HDCD and Dolby Surround logos on both sides of this sheet.
And since it was such a surprise to me, I put it in the Samsung Blu-Ray player and when it began, this is what showed on my SONY receiver:
This particular disc came out in 1999. That is SO last millennium!

I always check my blog index to see what I may have previously written about my current subject and came across these posts:

My music collection began in the early 1970's and I have donated, given away or sold nearly as many records and CDs as I currently own. So, I made some quick shots of the SACDs, HDCDs and DVD-Audio discs as they are in their various locations.

These are most of the single SACDs. But more are in another location, as seen below.
All the Jazz HDCD discs. I'm still not sure why they encoded the BIG BAND disc since they are all old recordings.
Movie/Film score HDCDs and compilations of various film genres. Missing is the Battlestar Galactica TV music compilation CD set which is the feature of this article.
Three Reference Recordings HDCD discs.
A small wooden rack made for the inch thick CD set cases of which I have quite a few. I removed them and the plastic slot pieces and support pieces to allow all these to fit.
No HDCDs or SACDs here, except the Japanese K2HD-CD, second from the left.
I found the LSO (London Symphony Orchestra) SACDs box set still sealed in a thrift store. It was five dollars! To the right of that is my very first SACD (set) which I bought not knowing what SACDs were. A modern rock version of the classic War of the Worlds story. Well done, too. Narrated by and starring Richard Burton. I have the original LP set too.

Seven single Classical SACDs snuggle up to the big phase 4 stereo box set. On the extreme right are my four DVD-Audio discs. My collection is humble as are my components and speakers. But I love them just the same.

Silva Screen Records, Ltd., Silva Screen Records is closely associated with the City of Prague Philharmonic  Orchestra Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. Also involved in the Battlestar Galactica recordings is the Daniel Caine Orchestra. I could not find a website for them, but there are numerous sites which list their recordings. Also, the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra. Again, I found a site which lists their recordings, but I am not sure if it is a part of the RPO.

Some of the music is clearly synthesized in origin. Nothing wrong with that, but it is obvious to me when the instruments are electronic.
When I put away the BG set, I chose the LOTR set to play while I typed. To my surprise, I found that it too is 
Dolby Surround! Pulling out each HDCD score case, I found that the Indiana Jones Trilogy, True Grit and the Essential James Bond are also in Dolby Surround! YES!

For those interested in the big box set of phase 4 stereo, here is the article I wrote about it: 

Also, my research has turned up this web site:

I just did a quick look at it, but it seems far from complete. Since so many labels tried HDCD, it must be a daunting task for the author of that site to research and compile such a list.

Here is a quote from the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra site:

The Prague Philharmonic Orchestra developed in the 1990s into the most requested recording orchestra in Europe. The Prague Philharmonic Orchestra records more than 100 sessions per year, which include film music for producers from around the globe; classical music for Decca, EMI, Sony BMG and other labels; as well as music for commercials. Sol Gabetta and Jonas Kaufmann are just a few of the famous soloists. Who have recorded CDs with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. With Friedemann Riehle conducting, the orchestra's annual New Year's Concert has become a highlight of Prague's live classical music scene. Its outstanding quality, in addition to proven ease in arranging contracts, continues bringing success to the orchestra. 
Do you want to know what else comes from Prague, Czech Republic? Awesome TINY dogs! This is Maria and Mini. They stand taller that Dachshunds (not saying much!) but are smaller than Chihuahuas, and weigh at most five pounds. They are called Prague Ratters, having been bred more than 600 years ago to hunt rats. We miss them SO much!

In conclusion, it turns out there are more than just the two premium forms (SACD, DVD-Audio) of recorded music "in the round". As my previous article reported, ProArte made a number of CDs in Surround Sound, and now, I have also found that at least some HDCDs are also encoded in Surround Sound.  I want MORE!

Someone told me to switch my receiver from Movie Surround Sound to Music Surround Sound. It is from 2001 and does not have that function. But, I did try one of the programs which mimics famous concert halls and it was interesting sounding.

As far as the listening room's system, I use this 1990's Dynaco (Panor) QD-2 Five Channel Home Theater System. It is the final and ultimate version of 1970's Dynaco Dynaquad. It joins the PAT-6 Preamp/Tuner and ST-200 power amplifier.

The QD-2 units are rare, so I snatched this one as soon as I saw it. I do not know what is staining the mirror finished faceplate, but I have not been able to get it clean.

I had modified an earlier iteration of this with three-way binding/banana post terminals. But getting the factory made one was better.
It does an impressive job of making stereo recordings much more dynamic and really fills the room with sound.
Flying Fisheye's view of the room.* The two CD racks holding the SACDs and HDCDs sit atop my late-in-laws old (BLUE!) oak file cabinet. WHY, oh WHY did our parents PAINT over nice wood? The dresser I had as a child was made of walnut and my parents painted it green. Ugh!

*Note as to the decorations. I am NOT a hunter, the skin on the left wall came from Thailand where a now deceased friend bought it. And of course, Jackelopes do not exist. I always wanted a "real" cowboy pistol and rifle and bought them in .22 form to decorate the room, along with a lot of other things I like.
Me, at five years old, sporting my new twin six-shooters! I was an avid fan of The Lone Ranger, Wagon Train, The Roy Rogers Show and other westerns.

Thank you SO much for taking the time to read my humble blog. It is a labor of love. Feel free to comment below on on Facebook.

May 7, 2022


  1. Hey Scott, I commented on an older post (from like 2017) and I was wondering if there was any way to reach you as I have a question about your capri!


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