Collecting Music: LP or CD. Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Part TWO.

September 20, 2018

Gentle reader,

I wrote part ONE of this article yesterday, it concerns the CD portion of my Herb Alpert collection:

Now, I focus on the LP records. Of which I have more and a number of foreign (to the USA) releases.
I think the LPs number 57, but it doesn't matter the actual count, it's the variety and of course the love I have for the music and the unique genre which he invented. It was copied by many musicians trying to gain popularity and income from this unique Latin America styled music.
THE LONELY BULL came out in 1962. Most people had not yet adopted stereo in their homes and radio was still mono, so naturally mono records were still being produced. It's hard to see, in the upper left, but this was A&M's first release, numbered 101.
This stereo release has the number in the lower left: 101S.
I seem to feel driven that I MUST buy exceptional condition Herb Alpert records when I find them. Maybe one of these is a first pressing, but as you can see, I have three of their first album.
VOLUME 2 initially did not sell well, so it is harder to find. This is a mono version: LP 103 It came out in 1963.
To entice or perhaps to warn buyers (some cheap mono turntables and record players, there is a difference, could not play stereo records) STEREO*STEREO*STEREO is emblazoned across the top. LP/SP 103 in the new numbering system.
Here is a pristine mono version still in the shrink wrap. If I'd been thinking in the long run, I would have kept the plastic on all my LPs. But I was only thinking of getting the record out of there and listening to it.
When A&M re-released their entire Herb Alpert line, they changed the numbering to four digits with 4 being the first. Note that the label photo is crooked on this one and it too is pristine. SP 4103
Lots of STEREO across the top of SOUTH OF THE BORDER. I believe that woman may be his first wife, Sharon. You will see a photo of them from this day further down affixed to another album cover. This one came out in 1964.
One of his most famous covers and one of his best works: WHIPPED CREAM AND OTHER DELIGHTS. It was actually shaving cream, I wonder who got the job of covering her strapless gown with it, and how many cans it took? It came out in 1965, the year my wife was born. I was nine. Yep, I robbed the cradle, but she was 30 when we wed.
From Shout Factory, whom he hired to re-release all (except Volume 2, see previous article as to why) ten (nine) of their original albums on CD. They are in Digipack covers and have extensive liner notes and in the case of this album,  a poster too.
This is, of course a Picture Disc. One of few that I have in the collection. I have not played it. Some say they don't sound as good and that the carbon black is needed. I have no comment.

GOING PLACES! Cleverly posed to look like they are flying. A re-release as by the four digit number. It came out in 1965 as well, originally.
WHAT NOW MY LOVE Also a re-release as by the four digit number. See, same clothes, same location as on SOUTH OF THE BORDER. Still in it's shrink wrap. It came out in 1966.
S.R.O which means Standing Room Only. Also re-released. Still in it's shrink wrap. It too came out in 1966.
...SOUNDS LIKE... was their 8th release. Four digit number and still in it's shrink wrap as well. To learn more about this one see the previous article on CDs. It came out in 1967.
ninth is in lower case on the cover, so I typed it as such, even though it messes with my sense of write and wrong. ;-) Four digit number. Something tells me most of the original three digit albums are in other collectors hands as I almost never see them. BTW, that is Beethoven "wearing" a Herb Alpert shirt. It too came out in 1967.
THE BEAT OF THE BRASS accompanied a television special in 1968. It was the last to be released in mono as well as stereo. This is a four digit release. It came out in 1968. For more on this and the TV show, see: The Beat of the Brass - Wikipedia
I admit that I have not played this one, or the one below. I expect that it is fine music, but most Christmas albums do not interest me no matter how much I like the artist. It came out in 1968 also.
This is a later re-release under # SP 3113. Otherwise, the same record.
WARM came out in 1969. First of their LPs (after Christmas) that seemed a departure from their original charter, if you will.
THE BRASS ARE COMIN' was another release from 1969. It was their last album as a group and was also a TV special.
GREATEST HITS came out in 1970. I have not played it or the CD since I have all the records (and CDs) that these hits were pulled from.
The band got back together with a few new members and came out with Summertime in 1971.
SOLID BRASS was a compilation album from 1972.
FOURSIDER another compilation, this one from 1973. 
You Smile-The Song Begins marks the first release from his new band: Herb Alpert and the T.J.B. It came out in 1974, the year I graduated high school.
coney island is pretty far from Tijuana, to say the least. Released in 1975, it is pretty hard to find. Well, at least it was before the worldwide phenomenon called eBay.
Note, this GREATEST HITS VOL.2 from 1977 is "THE T.J.B." and not the original band.
Titled with only their names, Herd banded with another trumpet legend, Hugh Masakela. It and the live version, below, came out in 1978.
Next are the albums Herb made without any of the members of his "Latin" band.
RISE came out in 1979 to critical and sales success. He was now making Jazzy and dance-able music. The title cut traveled across musical genres and sold over a million albums. Below is a 12" single with various remix versions as well. 

Beyond came out in 1980 and, to be honest, I haven't played most of what follows in so long, I will not attempt to comment on the style or music.
Magic Man followed the next year, 1981.
Fandango, a title shared with a Z.Z. Top album came out in 1982.
BLOW YOUR OWN HORN came out in 1983 and shows Herb au naturel. 
Oddly, although none of the member of his original band were involved, he credited them since the tunes were some of their originals redone funk-style. BULLISH came out in 1984 and was re-released in 2017.
Wild ROMANCE came out in 1985. The first of the years in which CDs are out and gaining popularity.
"Keep Your Eye on Me is a pop/R&B/dance album by Herb Alpert, released in 1987." Line is courtesy of It has various singers including Janet Jackson, sister of Michael on Diamonds. Below is the 12 inch single from it and I have not played it.

Under a Spanish Moon is a superb album. One I really enjoy. It came out in 1988. This and the one below are NOT shown on Herb Alpert's own website.
my abstract heart is to my knowledge, the last new release from Herb to come out on LP. It is from 1989.

This ends Part TWO of this series. Next up will be the release from countries other than the United States of America.

Thank you SO much for taking the time to read my humble blog. I put a lot of time and effort into creating these articles and you are one of many that warm my heart with your kind words and encouragement.

September 20, 2018



  1. Beautiful collection, mancano le ultime uscite, strano.
    Sono sempre l'antennista ( 22 - 02 - 1959 ).
    Hai fatto un bel servizio fotografico.
    Io ho concentrato gli sforzi su di un unico artista originale: Herb Alpert.
    A Taste Of Honey mi ipnotizzò a 6 anni, e dal 1976 ho cominciato la collezione.
    Ciao, Claudio, Italia.

    1. Claudio,

      Molto bene! I listened to it as a child as well. I hope what I typed is "very good".

  2. To your comment "the tunes were some of their originals redone funk-style. BULLISH came out in 1984"... Respectfully, this is not accurate. The songs on that 1984 album were all originals at the time, never before recorded by the Tijuana Brass. It was only credited as such in order to coincide with the reunion tour. In essence, this album was TJBINO (Tijuana Brass In Name Only).

  3. Thanks for the info and for reading my blog.


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